At the beginning of the second week of the Film Room Project everyone had modelled their assets and were ready to be placed into the same scene to replicate the room from Her. Monday morning I got everyone to send me their assets as one mesh with the pivot in the centre of the scene so that I could easily import them into the scene and they would be in the correct position.
Flicking between our scene we had made and the film screenshot we had I saw that there were quite a few differences, in some instances the models were perfectly fine, but in the shot of the film the objects looked different, I assume it was because of lens distortion and possibly some forced perspective created by the creators of the film. So I made a note of what needed to be changed to the meshes and sent them back out to the group.
We decided that we were determined to achieve near perfect
in the placement of the meshes, so we spent until Wednesday touching up and giving
critique to each other, in some cases it was easier for me to fix it up myself
rather than sending it back to the person who was making it.
From Wednesday on we saw that we had done what we could to perfect the positioning of our meshes, it was now time to move onto texturing and unwrapping. On Thursday I began putting everything into engine, to make sure every mesh was separate in engine and also was in the same position as the max file I exported the whole scene as one mesh as well as individually. First I imported the whole scene as one mesh into Unreal as a guide and then put all of the individual assets in the correct place.
By Friday all of the meshes were in Unreal, texturing was the next step to do over the weekend. Here's the banner Kieran Burke made for our presentation:
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