Saturday, 17 January 2015

Container City Continued

This second week I finalised the mesh for the centre pillar with lights that run up it as well as the lift itself. I also concepted some button pads and some designs for the lift.

I then put together some mood boards, we wanted our level to be somewhere in the mountains of Nepal, and we wanted our level to reflect that as if the people of Nepal fled here after an apocalypse.



I then had to figure out how to make big holes coming out of the big tunnel without making one big mesh for the whole tunnel.

I designed these covers for the holes that fitted with our over the top sci fi theme, so that I didn’t have to make tunnels going out of the main tunnels I made these act like doors, so for our level most of them will be closed so to insinuate that there are more tunnels without making them.

To be able to have these big hole covers sit next to each other I needed to rotate them instead of having them just sit square on, this rotation of them also made them look a lot more interesting.

But these had to sit on a curved surface, so the holes themselves need to be curved, so I needed to create these at multiple rotations to fit the curve of the tunnel.

These also made for good vents that we need for the tunnel. These are all unwrapped and ready to texture

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