Sunday, 3 May 2015

Making Text Boxes

This week for me was creating the text box materials for all of our conversations in the level. I’d already written what was going to be said in each conversation it was a case of designing the text box and spending a long time copying and pasting every single sentence and saving them all individually.

Once they’re saved though there is still a lot of time needed to put them into engine and organise. I had already given the appropriate names and filing system to all of the textures, materials and particle effects before. It was just a case of importing the new textures in their place, and going through every material and saving, this was mundane and took a long time but needed to be done.

I gave the text boxes a watermark for each character that Alice meets, the Caterpillar had a purple hookah, the Cat had a green scary smile and the Hatter had his pile of hats in purple. I think this saves the text from being all the same and boring throughout the level.

I also worked on the textures for my remaining assets, the bridge is done but I’m still working on the rest of my stuff that I intend to finish midway through next week in order for my assets to be all finished a couple of days before the end of the project.

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